Monday, May 2, 2011

One of of us...

It happened, I am a "Blogger". Next thing you know you will be able to follow me on the Twitter Page or Spacebook. But as for now, I give you the gift of blog.

I have always found blogging to be very self indulgent. I never really felt as though anything I had to say would be that earth shattering to all the other little brains on the interweb. But the last couple of years have without a doubt the most difficult of my life, as I was reflecting on the circumstance and events that have brought me to where I am today, I thought Maybe, just maybe someone might want to know.

If my story can help just one person this will be worth it. I don't expect to start a revolution or have delusions that I alone will change the world. But I do know that I have some opinions. I have opinions on everything from the current state of our government to the price of fabric softener. I am not going about this to offend anyone. I am not looking to start a debate forum, I just need to get some things off my chest, to clear the air, and in some cases make amends.

So stay tuned younglings, there is much more to come!